Members of the Faculty Leadership Trained their Management Skills at the University of Notre Dame | News | Faculty of Arts and L…

Leto využili dvaja členovia vedenia FF KU aj na vzdelávanie v oblasti líderských zručností a manažmentu. Zúčastnili sa Leadership Seminar, ktorý realizoval Nanovic Institute na University of Notre Dame v USA pre členov Catholic Universities Partnership.

Samuel Štefan Mahút, the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Catholic University in Ružomberok and Terézia Rončáková, the vice-dean for research and doctoral studies, represented the Catholic University in Ružomberok at the professional program for university managers Leadership Seminar…
Autor správy, foto a správu publikoval Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku on Facebook Zdroj Read More

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Members of the Faculty Leadership Trained their Management Skills at the University of Notre Dame | News | Faculty of Arts and L... Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku on Facebook

Pi aug 11 , 2023
Leto využili dvaja členovia vedenia FF KU aj na vzdelávanie v oblasti líderských zručností a manažmentu. Zúčastnili sa Leadership Seminar, ktorý realizoval Nanovic Institute na University of Notre Dame v USA pre členov Catholic Universities Partnership. Samuel Štefan Mahút, the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Letters, Catholic University […]

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